
Showing posts from December, 2018

Fish Tank HW 13.12.18

How useful has an ideological critical approach been in understanding binary oppositions in the narratives of your chosen films? The narrative of Fish Tank does not really provide a wide variety of enigmatical or hinting codes throughout its 2h 4m runtime, thus making way for the spectator to understand and form sympathy for the characters of the film or contrastingly feel an indefference towards a character (an antagonist perhaps). The ideological critical approach use in this film, known as british social realism, presents an authentic, gritty prespective on the lives of individuals in low ecomimically gifted children. Certain moments in the film show the desperate scenearios these individuals have to go through, such as Mia’s fatherless child hood or kayla’s young smoking habit. The way these characters are represented in the film spark thought in a spectator’s mind about the different situations others find themselves, and certain scenes encourage the spectator to imagine thems

We need to talk about Kevin scene analysis

Kevin bosses Celia around  [01:00:30] Scene Micro features Narrative features and ideological analysis Mise en Scene 01:00:40 Cinematography 01:00:52 Sound 01:01:06 Sound 01:01:37 Colour palette - Although Christmas brings with it the colours red and gold, Celia is tied up with tinsel. Framing - Alignment between Celia, the cleaning products and Eva. Camera angles - Low angle shot, showing Celia interacting with Kevin by hugging him. Performance - the way Kevin interacts with Celia Ambience - Familial Christmas-y music harmonising in the background The choice of using red tinsels can be supported by the repetition of the colour red throughout the film represents Kevin's way Kevin truly acts in a cynical way to his sister; the gold tinsel, on the other hand, can represent Kevin's hidden yet true love for Celia. Following this, Celia says