The oedipal trajectory
The oedipal trajectory - Males - Summary A male child, who at first is bonded with his mother, imagines himself a united whole with her. However, when held up to a mirror, he perceives his difference from her. He becomes aware of the illusion of unity and still desires it. The desire now because sexual. He comes to hate his father, as his father has ‘lawful’ access to the mother. The child perceives this difference as one of castration: he sees the mother as castrated. To identify with her would this mean he would be without his penis - in identifying with her he becomes like her; in uniting with her, he runs the risk of castration from his father (he assumes the father has this power) He attempts to identify with the father; he sets about trying to find a female. The male child can now move towards social stability and continue the cycle. Application in Film Narrative In cinematic narrative, the male protagonist moves, through the resolution of a crisis, ...
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